AugmentedReality, Human Geography, WebMapping
Geospatial Grocery Store
The Telegraph recently published an article, “How Supermarkets Prop Up Our Class System” by Harry Wallop introducing his book “Consumed: How Shopping Fed the Class System“. In the article, he discusses […]
AugmentedReality, Contest, general, Social Networking
Geospatial and Marketing Gimmicks
Many popular news sites, such as the Telegraph, have picked up the story of Nestle UK’s campaign that embeds GPS trackers in candy bars, comparing it to the Golden Ticket […]
AugmentedReality, Cool Stuff, VirtualEnvironments
Affordable Virtual Reality?
A big part of my research for about a decade now has been exploring the development of immersive virtual landscapes, and how evolving technologies continue to make impressive strides toward […]
Lego and Augmented Reality
I’m going to cop to this not being an overtly geographic post… but it’s Lego. And augmented reality. If I may indulge to my inner child for a moment… SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! […]
AugmentedReality, Programming/Dev, Software
Layar Vision – Is mobile AR finally knocking on the door of relevance?
In the mad scramble to finish editing my PhD dissertation and graduate, I haven’t been following the latest and greatest tech in the geospatial realm as much as I should […]
AugmentedReality, Cartography, Cool Stuff, Education, general, Human Geography
Animated Maps on Memorial Day Weekend
On this memorial day weekend the History Channel is kicking off a week of Civil War themed shows. While watching I thought I’d see if there were any interesting maps […]
AugmentedReality, Cool Stuff, VirtualEnvironments
Sony SmartAR – markerless augmented reality
Augmented reality is one of those technologies that has seemed like it would be next big thing for the last couple of years, but it has proven pretty difficult to […]
AugmentedReality, general, GeographyAwareness, WebMapping
If Google Maps Were Real
Mashable (perhaps one of the cooler sites I visit each day) has a nifty story about an artist who drew Google Maps icons as if they existed in the real […]
AugmentedReality, general, Programming/Dev
Microsoft Live Labs’ Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos AR features for Bing Maps
As you all know by now, I am a fan of Photosynth. Just a few days ago, the creator of Seadragon and co-creator of Photosynth, Blaise Aguera y Arcas gave […]
AugmentedReality, Cool Stuff, general, LBS
Tokyo’s N Building – Augmented Reality Architecture
Augmented Reality is one of those cool tech innovations that has been tantalizing us for years as the “Next Big Thing”, but the immense challenges in conceptualizing and implementing AR […]
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