Data, GIS_Software, Programming/Dev, Social Networking, Software, WebMapping
How Google Changed the 20 Most Popular Websites Since 1996
Washington Post reporter, Philip Bump from The Intersect created infographics to show how websites have changed, “From Lycos to Ask Jeeves to Facebook: Tracking the 20 most popular web sites […]
Take a #GlobalSelfie with NASA on Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day! by taking a #GlobalSelfie. It’s remote sensing, it’s geospatial, it’s VerySpatial, it’s fun! From the NASA website on EARTH RIGHT NOW. NASA invites you — and everyone else […]
Education, Events, GeographyBlogs, Human Geography, Social Networking
United Nation’s International Migrants Day and GIS
December 18th is the United Nation’s International Migrants Day to recognize the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide. Migrant workers and migration has had a natural fit with geography […]
Weather App That Will Navigate Around Weather
Here’s a great use of LBS and I’m kinda surprised more navigation apps don’t have this built in – TurnCast will route you around weather events while you’re driving. This can […]
Nokia:Navteq after the…
Once upon a time there was a services division at a company…they liked and saw potential in location. They decided to save some licensing $$ and acquired a data company. […]
Smartphones,Urban Legends, and Grandmas
The geospatial community is so used to the growing use of geospatial technologies that it is easy to assume that everyone around you has been as immersed in how it […]
Education, Events, GeographyAwareness, Human Geography, Social Networking
ESRI and National Day of Civic Hacking
I must issue a mea culpa because when I first looked at the sponsors and participants in the National Day of Civic Hacking June 1 – 2, 2013 I saw no […]
Education, GIS_Software, Social Networking, Software
What is Your Real Geospatial Age?
By now almost everyone with a computer and some spare time has taken the Harvard Mouse Click Age Test, which tries to determine a person’s age by how proficient they are […]
AugmentedReality, Human Geography, WebMapping
Geospatial Grocery Store
The Telegraph recently published an article, “How Supermarkets Prop Up Our Class System” by Harry Wallop introducing his book “Consumed: How Shopping Fed the Class System“. In the article, he discusses […]
Cool Stuff, Education, Social Networking
Geospatial Games and Crowd Sourcing a Catalog
It’s never too early to get kids interested in geospatial technologies and geography. I was searching for a fun gift for a young kid and ran across the Daily Grommet, […]
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