Human Geography
Education, Human Geography, WebMapping
Internship Experience: National Holocaust Museum
According to a 2013 poll of GIS professionals on GIS Lounge, half of the respondents held a GIS intership at the start of their career. Andrew Fomil is a good example […]
Cartography, Education, general, Human Geography, Political Geography, WebMapping
Maps and U.S. (Mid-Term) Elections
Each year the number of media sources using interactive election maps increases, from search engines like Bing Elections to newspapers of record like the New York Times Elections 2014, to public television […]
Cartography, Education, Human Geography
Participate in a cartographic art project: Tweeting the NYCTA Graphics Standards
Massimo Vignelli continues to inspire cartographers, graphic designers, and artists with his New York City Transit Authority map standards. Artists, Niko Skourtis, Jesse Reed, and Hamish Smyth found a first […]
Cartography, Education, Human Geography, Physical Geography
Nautical Miles: From Darwin to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The diaries from sea voyages are thrilling, especially those that study marine biology. From the first entry setting down the base coordinates to later entries listing nautical miles traveled. Although […]
Cartography, Data, Human Geography, Political Geography, WebMapping
When to Use an Interactive Map
The Washington Post’s Wonkblog article, “10 Maps that show how much time Americans spend grooming, eating, thinking, and praying” presents some crisp maps using data from the United States Department of Labor, […]
Human Geography, Political Geography
UK Life Expectancy and Spatial Analysis
The UK Pensions Minister has proposed a plan that estimates life expectancy based on such as home location. In a BBC article, “Pensioners Could Get Life Expectancy Guidance” the Minister […]
Cartography, Education, Human Geography
The Library of Congress Celebrates the Songs of America
Maps and Music are both powerful and together they can convey very complex emotions in a short span of time. The U.S. Library of Congress spent more than two years […]
Cartography, Data, Education, general, Human Geography, Pins on the map, Political Geography, Remote Sensing, Travel
Pins on the Map: George Washington Slept Here
As you shiver in the cold today during what The Weather Channel is predicting could be the coldest winter on record for decades in North America, reflect on the 1780 […]
Cartography, Data, Education, general, Human Geography, WebMapping
The United States Railroad Administration
On December 26, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson nationalized the U.S railroads from 1917 – 1920 in response to the infrastructure demands of WWI. While it only lasted four years, the […]
Education, Events, GeographyBlogs, Human Geography, Social Networking
United Nation’s International Migrants Day and GIS
December 18th is the United Nation’s International Migrants Day to recognize the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide. Migrant workers and migration has had a natural fit with geography […]
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