Spatial Analysis open books
I am teaching a straight forward, stand-alone Spatial Analysis class for the first time in a couple of decades. That means that I have been looking at resources to share […]
Elmhurst College’s Digital Earth MOOC
If you are attending the upcoming 2015 Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Chicago, IL this year, Elmhurst College is one of the Chicagoland colleges doing noteworthy work in GIS […]
Education, Human Geography, WebMapping
Internship Experience: National Holocaust Museum
According to a 2013 poll of GIS professionals on GIS Lounge, half of the respondents held a GIS intership at the start of their career. Andrew Fomil is a good example […]
USGIF 2015 Scholarship Applications Due by April 20th
The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, USGIF Scholarship Program is now accepting applications for graduating high school seniors, undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students in fields related to geospatial science. The […]
Cartography, Education, ESRIUC, general, GeographyAwareness, Navigation, Remote Sensing, VirtualEnvironments, WebMapping
GIS DAY 15th Anniversary: Take the way back machine
Take the way back machine to the first GIS Day in Spring of 1999. ESRI ARC News Online announced GIS Day 1999 Slated for November! According to the press release, ESRI […]
Cartography, Education, general, Human Geography, Political Geography, WebMapping
Maps and U.S. (Mid-Term) Elections
Each year the number of media sources using interactive election maps increases, from search engines like Bing Elections to newspapers of record like the New York Times Elections 2014, to public television […]
Data, Education, Hardware, Remote Sensing
DigitalGlobe introduces PERSPECTIVES Magazine
DigitalGlobe, a commercial high-resolution earth imagery company, launched its aptly named e-magazine, PERSPECTIVES, today. The trade magazine provides 52 pages of stunning imagery and detailed information on the satellite imagery and […]
Education, general, Political Geography
Geospatial Professionals, Law, and Law School
Geospatial technology is changing the legal environment in several distinct ways that have made the news recently. The first is the relatively new legal speciality of Spatial Law. According to GeoLaw, a […]
Cartography, Education, Human Geography
Participate in a cartographic art project: Tweeting the NYCTA Graphics Standards
Massimo Vignelli continues to inspire cartographers, graphic designers, and artists with his New York City Transit Authority map standards. Artists, Niko Skourtis, Jesse Reed, and Hamish Smyth found a first […]
Cartography, Education, Human Geography, Physical Geography
Nautical Miles: From Darwin to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The diaries from sea voyages are thrilling, especially those that study marine biology. From the first entry setting down the base coordinates to later entries listing nautical miles traveled. Although […]
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