Cartography, Data, Education, general, Human Geography, WebMapping
The United States Railroad Administration
On December 26, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson nationalized the U.S railroads from 1917 – 1920 in response to the infrastructure demands of WWI. While it only lasted four years, the […]
Events, GeographyAwareness, Human Geography, Political Geography, WebMapping
GIS Day in the News
Updated: Today is GIS Day and it is making headlines in major newspapers around the globe. While some mainstream media sources are celebrating GIS Day by name, others are participating […]
Environmental, Human Geography, WebMapping
Geospatial Analysis of “America’s Forgotten Nuclear Legacy”
The Wall Street Journal has an interesting in-depth report on Waste Lands: America’s Forgotten Nuclear Legacy and an interactive map of the status of cleanup by state. While they call […]
general, Human Geography, Physical Geography, WebMapping
The Geography of Twitter
The Switch writer, Caitlin Dewey, reviewed a recent study on Twitter in her article on “Where do Twitter trends start? Try Cincinnati” for the Washington Post. It summarizes a study […]
VirtualEnvironments, WebMapping
San Fran Bay Bridge: The most spatial bridge in the world
According to NPR, when the newly completed San Francisco Bay Bridge reopened, “There was little fanfare, but the gleaming white and newly built $6.4-billion eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland […]
Cartography, ESRIUC, general, WebMapping
GIS and Fine Art
My day was made brighter this morning by a Paris Metro Project by Hwan Lee, which is an Art Takes Paris project that details all 261 metro stations in Paris […]
AVSRT, Cartography, Environmental, ESRIUC, WebMapping
A VerySpatial Road Trip: Missouri Botanical Garden
Day 2 we hit some fantastic spots around St. Louis. Hit the link below to find out more!
Environmental, Human Geography, Remote Sensing, WebMapping
Cat Tracks
The BBC News Science & Environment section has an article on “The Secret Life of the cat: What do our feline companions get up to?” with an interactive map of […]
Education, Software, WebMapping
Geospatial Education and Interactive White Boards
Recently, I have been developing a tutorial for using electronic white boards for education. What I never noticed before, because they work so well together, is the symbiotic relationship between […]
Human Geography, Physical Geography, WebMapping
GIS and Oklahoma Disaster
Many geospatial professionals, such as those on the GIS Stack Exchange, have asked what they can do with geospatial technologies to help in the aftermath of the tornadoes in Oklahoma or for […]
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