Spy Satellites to be Used Domestically

This story has been all over the traditional news – the US is opening up domestic use of spy satellites. The news is rather troubling for privacy concerns. As the article points out, the US is certainly moving into complicated and murky legal waters, as there are specific bans on military use in the domestic arena. While there has certainly been a lot of concern about private companies documenting information, I have to wonder if there will be a greater outcry when it’s tax dollars being used instead of private dollars. I also wonder if this will press to improve our remote sensing capabilities, much like what was mentioned in the FLIIWG working group Sue blogged yesterday.

I can’t imagine this will be the last we hear on this specific issue.

One Reply to “Spy Satellites to be Used Domestically”

  1. KoS

    I see nothing wrong with this. I trust the military a lot more than the FBI or CIA for example.

    The military is tasked to protect the US from enemies both foreign and domestic. So it’s perfectly ok to go after “terrorists” or other groups/individuals in the US who wish harm on this country. IMHO

    The grey mucky area is the use of the military in law-enforcement. And whether or not we should treat people, like above, as a law-enforcement or military matter. This was the same arguement going on during the Clinton Admin as to whether or not we should treat people like Al-Qaeda as criminals or enemies on the battlefield. For example, the Clintons wanted to treat the bombing of the Cole as a law-enforcement matter, not a military matter which it was.

    This is also the same arguement going on about the use of the military on the border.


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