
As I am sure many of you have read Google dropped 1.6 BILLION dollars for YouTube. We at the VerySpatial “office” are of different minds on the acquisition, but that isn’t really important to the geospatial world other than the question…what will GISNation do now that Google owns the two systems they have used for the first two episodes 😉

2 Replies to “GoogleTube”

  1. Anson Parker

    Well… hopefully they’ll find a convenient way to add sphinx speech to text to the geonames gazeteer name & place parser and georeference videos based on speech analysis… that’s my hopeful hunch.

  2. KJ

    Unfortunatly, GISnation is on permenant hiatus, due to the departure of Kyle #2 to Tampa, Florida. It is hard to find people who know what GIS is in Muncie, Indiana…..let alone want to talk about it to a camera!

    We Will Return!

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