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Historic Maps Online
For those of you interested in historic maps, this is the link to Visual Collections, which includes David Rumsey’s amazing collection, as well as a number of others that are […]
Looking to the future of Intergraph – GeoMedia 6.0 Product Suite
It is true that ESRI doesn’t have much competition at this point from the other large GIS companies (Intergraph and MapInfo). I am hoping that GeoMedia 6.0 Product Suite will […]
New from ESRI, Image Server
I am waiting to get my hands on this to see how well it works compared to loading into a geodatabase or the similar EarthWhere. Take a look at the […]
Send us your thoughts on AVSP
We now show that the podcast has been downloaded at least 30 times by someone other than me. For those of you coming to download AVSP for the first time […]
Spacecraft Tracking – Shuttle and ISS
Well, at least I am tieing in some space with the internet mapping…Spacecraft Tracking – Shuttle and ISS
Zmarties: Improving the UI of mapping sites using CSS
I am definitely looking in the wrong places to read about anything other than Google Maps and Virtual Earth. Today we contemplate making the sites look better…Zmarties: Improving the UI […]
Even more to do with Google Earth
OK, I am changing topics a little bit at least… moving to Google Earth vs Google Maps. I just heard this on the This Week in Tech podcast. Check out […]
Yet another cool thing to do with Google Maps GoogleMania::MapBuilder::Home
Release of Microsoft Virtual Earth Beta
The beta version of Microsoft’s Virtual Earth has gone live at So far, it doesn’t have the bells and whistles that Google Earth can boast, and I think that […]
MSN Virtual Earth – A sad reality
The beta is up and Microsoft has NOT caught up to Google. My three largest issues with this are, in no particualr order: -Pulling B&W imagery -Vector overlays on imagery […]
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