Can you pass the third grade?

This is an old but fun flash map of the United States that gives you a timed test to fill in the map. Its a little touchy how you drag and drop things but really fun. It was at the Pasadena IBM Users Group site. For more fun kids geography games you can also go to the U.N. kids site, Cyberschoolbus to see Daily Live and on-demand webcast of UN meetings, conferences and events or basic tools to compare country data. There is also a cartoon about the rights of workers because one day every kid will grow up to be one. The CIA kids site has a suprisingly difficult geography quiz site for young agents in training.

7 Replies to “Can you pass the third grade?”

  1. Chelsea

    Where is the website? LOL this game is great except I do not appreciate the comment “the short bus is coming!”

  2. marty martin

    ‘Can you pass third grade’ is my daily delight and it is not there today. Where is it? I can’t live without my favorite passtime. Please help/advise

  3. chucksta fox rodrig

    this game is a GREAT and FUN way for Youngins to learn the 50 states. this game is all around FANTASTIC! ..but i don’t appreciate the “the short bus is coming!” comment.

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