What would the US look like if water rose 3.5 meters?

Harvard magazine has an interesting article about global warming. It’s a longer read than many of our posts, but worth checking out. Of particular note is the artistic rendering of what parts of the US would look like if the oceans rose 3.5 meters. Much of Florida would disappear and a over half of Manhattan.

One Reply to “What would the US look like if water rose 3.5 meters?”

  1. jbartley

    Here is a network link that I set up for a Professor at KU that deals with global sea level rise projections:

    network link

    It should show you what the Earth would look like after a 6meter rise (which is pretty extreme I think). The data actually has some problems. It is a work in progress. I am just posting it now as an example of serving modeled data via Google Earth. The raster data is being served from SDE and ArcIMS to a Google Earth network link service that I am hosting.



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