Google Earth Changing the Way Scientists Collaborate
A pretty interesting article in talks about how free tools like Google Earth are changing the way scientists collaborate on projects. The best quote comes from Michael Goodchild when […]
VirtualEnvironments, WebMapping
eDuShi is a 3D mapping site for the city of Shanghai, with a cool Sim City kind of look instead of using satellite imagery, and has a navigation interface simliar […]
Yes, even you can afford Virtual Reality
This NY Times article from back in January takes a look at some of the ways people are creating Virtual Reality setups without having to spend a million dollars to […]
Eyebeam R&D’s OpenGLExtractor
Want to add your favorite 3D game character to GoogleEarth? Eyebeam R&D’s OpenGLExtractor allows you to capture and re-use 3D geometry data in other 3D graphics applications, basically a “screen […]
I haven’t taken more than a cursory glance, but this is a link to the Google Earth War game. Looks fun if you don’t have people giving you significant looks […]
Update on VirtuSphere
A while back I posted an entry about the VirtuSphere, an immersive virtual reality environment that has been getting a lot of attention. An article posted on the University of […]
Human Geography, Navigation, VirtualEnvironments
Virtual Hiking and the C5 Landscape Initiative
As many of you know, GIS analysis is based on the notion that alorithms within the computer can be used to analyze the digital representations of real-world physical features such […]
General, Human Geography, VirtualEnvironments
BBC NEWS | Virtual tour of Africa’s heritage
The BBC has an interesting article on the scanning and modeling of heritage sites in Africa. This is along the same lines as some of the work that Sue and […]
VirtualEnvironments, WebMapping
Google Middle Earth
Beginning our cartography focus for the day…From the Shire to Mordor, you can find your way and get to know the landscape with the new Google Middle Earth. Includes a […]
NVIDIA Immersive Dome Experience
Check out these pictures of NVIDIA’s Immersive Dome Experience at SIGGRAPH2005. Now that’s 3D visualization! Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne did some cool visualization experiments using FAA flight pattern data […]
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