“Rant” on Spatially Adjusted
Following the ever growing stream on the current WebMapping boom, James, over at Spatially Adjusted, had some thoughts to share. Spatially Adjusted – Blog about ESRI and GIS: Google Maps […]
Google urged to drop reactor images
This article from that I picked up from SlashDot ties into a topic that we covered in the podcast this week…the concern over what high resolution aerial/satellite imagery is […]
Geotag Flickr
Spatial multimedia (pictures, video, audio, etc linked to a specific location) has been a goal for many researchers over the last decade in order to link qualitative information to the […]
ArcReader example
I have the quick ArcReader example ready that I mentioned earlier this week on the podcast. You can download the file at To vew the file you will need […]
Please excuse the mess
I will be testing out a couple of new themes and customizing them in the next few days to determine the one we like best. This shouldn’t have too much […]
SIMILE | Piggy Bank
There has been quite a bit of research into semantic interoperability in web mapping. This extension takes this idea one step further and ties the semantics of the web to […]
GITA and AAG Tackle the Geospatial Workforce
Here is an article from Directions Magazine on a new grant to the Geospatial Information and Technology Association and the Association of American Geographers to help “grow the geospatial workforce” […]
The Map Room: Geotagging Roundup
A nice little note on Geotagging. The Map Room: Geotagging Roundup
Off topic, but I had to
Backstory: I bought Konfabulator a month ago…a great program that lets you use desktop widgets with Windows (hurry to Intel, Apple!)… Action: Yahoo! bought the parent company 2 weeks ago […]
A nice tool from NASA
Near real-time tracking of the ISS and satellites at NASA – Science@NASA J-Track 3D
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