VerySpatial Podcast
Shownotes – Episode 05
August 21, 2005
Main Topic:
A discussion of the webmap API wars.
Click for the detailed shownotes
Geography Education Bill
NRCS WebSoilSurvey
ESRI Press Book Spatial Portals
Amazon’s Maps
GIS Podcast
National Geographic Genographic Project
Featured Sites:
NASA Mission Geography
National Geographic Education
ESRI Campus
BBC Education
Main topic:
Webmap API Wars:
Microsoft is now trying to cajole web developers to begin to work with their Virtual Earth API. Jesse argues that Google has too much of a head start while Sue suggests that Microsoft has the sheer power to pull in developers.
Via Virtual Earth
Google Maps API
Encouraging words from Mark and Edward, and a list of bootable OpenSource GISs
North American Cartographic Information Society, Salt Lake City, October 12-15
MapsAsia, Jakarta, August 22-25
Central Appalachian Geo-Spatial Conference, Pittsburgh, August 26
X Iberoamerican Conference on Geographic Information Systems, San Juan, September 6-9
2005 Carolina URISA/GITA Conference, Charlotte, September 7-9
ESRI Homeland Security GIS Summit, Denver, September 12-14