To round out our holiday gift ideas….

As most people are painfully aware, the economy isn’t exactly hoping right now.  My gifts for geographers is designed to be easier on the wallet for those looking to keep their expenses to a minimum.

Let me just say I hate ties.  Can’t stand’em.  Unfortunately social conventions dictates they’re necessary from time to time.  If I have to wear a tie, I make sure it’s something I really like.  Beau Ties Ltd. of Vermont have some great ties, but their ties of maps and subway lines are particularly handsome.  The quality of their products are top notch.  If you’re looking for something a tad cheaper or a little more historic, you can head over to What Did You Bring Me’s Historic and Geography collection of ties.

Geographers get into the field for all sorts of reason and motivations.  I haven’t met a geographer yet that doesn’t think at least wistfully from time to time about traveling the world and seeing the sites.  While finding the time and the money to travel the world may be prohibitive for most of us, there are a lot of amazing adventures that can be found in your local or regional area.  Check out local travel guides, like this one for West Virginia.  Don’t forget to bring something to document your travels, like the ever popular Moleskin line of journals and notebooks.  They’re a great way to keep a record of where you’ve been and what you’ve seen!

Finally, if you’ve got the means, there’s not much that will excite the average geographer more than having their own personalized Atlas.  A personalized National Geographic’s 9th annual atlas is a great way to make a family gift potentially last a lifetime.  The book isn’t cheap, but it’s a nice tomb for the money.

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