A VerySpatial Podcast – Episode 710
A VerySpatial Podcast
Shownotes – Episode 710
5 March 2023
Catching up on some news
- RemoteID requirement looms
- Scientists debut 100 million year dynamic geological model
- 10th GPS III satellite complete, available for launch
- Satellites threaten Radio Astronomy
- Antarctic sea ice extent hits a new record low
- Newly published study looks at navigation through the Northeast Passage
- U.S. Agency mapping, Environmental Justice Index (EJI) tool, and Justice40 Initiative
- Heritage Quest citizen science identifies 1,000s of prehistoric burial mounds using Lidar
- Mapbox 3D Live Navigation
- Ford files patent to let cars repossess themselves
- The Pennsylvania GIS Conference: 10 – 12 April, State College
- Innovation, connected, autonomous (ICA) Summit: 15-16 May, Frankfurt
- GeoBusiness: 17-18 May, London