Happy Anniversary Apollo Program!

Today (July 20th) marks the 42nd anniversary of landing the first man on the moon. I think most people are fairly familiar with the amount of engineering work it took to get three men to the moon (and two landing on it). What many of us might be a little less aware of is exactly how much training all the astronauts did to prepare. You’d expect them to do all sorts of stuff with the equipment and collecting samples, but did you know they got jungle survival training in case the return module landed in the jungle? Or that they had to go to geology field camp to learn about geology? Weird Magazine online has a pretty cool photo collection detailing some of the training exercises they all practiced. I think we have to owe no small amount of the success of each of these missions to the clearly extensive training each of these men received in preparation.

Here’s hoping today’s anniversary will spur further space exploration!

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