
TrailRunnerXWe received an email regarding an interesting free MacOS X tool for route planning for trail related sports (running, skiing, hiking, biking…)  Here is a quote from the developer:

TrailRunner is a route planning software for people who enjoy running, biking, hiking or skiing.  The software will import GPX tracklogs or tracklists from GPS receivers and then plot the data on maps. Within the map, TrailRunner can calculate routes for a given distance. You can even export directions as text to a classic iPod or as small NanoMaps to your iPod nano. TrailRunner is free!”

It is an interesting little tool which give will those folks who have never digitized a line a new experience.  Although their isn’t a library of trails on the TrailRunner webpage (that I could find) I am sure this will change as it gains more users.

Also mentioned on GISUser Blog

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