Show notes for AVSP Episode 21

A VerySpatial Podcast
Shownotes – Episode 21
December 11, 2005

Main Topic: Physical Geography and our changing earth

Click to directly download Episode 21

Click for the detailed shownotes

Music by Jodie Manross from the CD Going Somewhere Soon

Podcast Word of the year
AAA Travel Challenge
Windows Live Local
Google Transit

Book Corner
Making Maps: A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS by John Krygier and Denis Woods

Summary: We think this text offers a unique and good way to teach design and cartography. Check the columns section for a written review after the holidays.

Main topic
Physical Geography and our changing earth

  • USGS Earthquake maps
  • Fissure is the beginning of an ocean
  • Building causing quakes?
  • Events

  • ESRI UC Abstract Deadline Extended to Jan 6
    San Diego, CA
  • Appalachian Geography Conference
    Pipestem State Park, WV
    March 17-18, 2006
    Abstracts due January 13, 2006
  • Where 2.0
    Silicon Valley
    June 2006
  • VerySpatial AAG Meetup
    Stay tuned for details!
  • Contest 2.0

      1) Which US research satellite was recently encountering technical difficulties?
      2) What web-based mapping project seeks to redefine geographical boundaries of the US based on peoples perceptions as opposed to the existing state or county boundaries?
      3) What is the phrase Sue coined in episode 19 for the new Web 2.0 mapping interfaces?

    Recent BlueSky posts

