Welcome Aleigha!

I would like to take a second to introduce Aleigha, our intern for the next couple of months (the Spring 2015 semester). She is a senior studying Journalism and will be working on a few different things to help us as we head to our 10th anniversary. The two main things that you all will see are some:

1) ‘back to basics’ perspective pieces about various technologies (UAS, LBS, FMV) that we talk about all the time in the podcast, but which we often start from a (somewhat) expert perspective. I hope Aleigha, as someone looking in from the outside, can provide a voice that speaks to those just getting into these acronyms and terms; and

2) a couple of episodes of VerySpatial TV. We will start planning those episodes in the next couple of weeks and you should see them in March or April.

Either way, it is great having her on board and we look forward to sharing her experiences as she learns about the wonderful world of Geography and geospatial!

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