Call for blog contributors

In the last 5.5 years we have gone from 2 people writing posts on the blog to 4, but the blog has, to date, been intended primarily to support the podcast. We have posted information that has excited us, things we didn’t have time for on the podcast, or topical information that didn’t fit in the podcast format. Now, however, we want to let the blog take on a life of its own.

To that end we are looking for people who are involved with Geography and/or geospatial technologies in their daily lives to help us create content for the blog. We are looking for folks who have experience in various areas of geo to volunteer to contribute posts.

We hope to broaden our blog topics through contributors who might be interested in writing one-shot posts and others who are interested in being regular contributors. The topical areas will be wide open to anything related to ‘geo’ including tech, culture, hazards, economy, bio, politics… you get the idea.

We plan to increase the number of contributors from our current 4 (Sue, Frank, Barb and Jesse) to 6-8 regular contributors and a number of occasional or one-shot contributors with this call. With this growth we are moving to a editorial board that will review each post, this started as a way to help me check grammar instead of posting without reading what I wrote, but seemed like a good policy to implement across the board. I mention this since some folks (including me) are uncomfortable being edited.

To apply to be a contributor please email us (at jesse at veryspatial dot com) by February 1 with the following details:
Name, current position or experience with Geography or geospatial technologies, how often you would be interested in contributing, potential topics you would like to write about, and a writing sample of 300-500 words on a topic in Human Geography, Physical Geography, or any area of geospatial technology.

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