A VerySpatial Podcast
Shownotes – Episode 366
July 22, 2012
Main Topic: Gretchen Peterson, Cartographer’s Toolkit
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This week’s podsafe music: “Musical Pesto Set” by Avalon Rising
Australia signs MOU for Landsat 8 access
Arc Hydro Tools for 10.1
Skyhook’s new Android SDK consumes data, not your battery
URISA Student Paper and Poster competition resultsand GISCI student poster contest
Esri brings Maptel into the fold.
Web Corner
Google goes south…walk in Scott’s footsteps
Main Topc
Jesse talks to Gretchen Peterson about her work in Cartography and books including the newly released Cartographer’s Toolkit: Color Typography, Patterns.
Tip of the Week
Live Blogs from events…check them out
Events Corner
Space and Place: 3-6 September, Oxford, UK
Society for American Archaeology: 3-6 April, Honolulu, HI – Abstracts by September 13
Urban Affairs Association: 3-6 April, San Francisco, CA – Proposals by October 1
Association of American Geographers: 9-13 April, Los Angeles, CA – Abstract by Oct 24