MeetWays – Find a place to meet in town

While MeetWays might focus on finding a point of interest between two addresses to help people meet halfway, at this time of year it could offer more. Many of us who are traveling this holiday season will need to stop a few times and MeetWays might be able to help you find a good place. Keep in mind it is much better at looking at smaller areas rather than cross country trips. The interface is fairly straight forward, you enter your origin and destination along with the type of place you want to stop at (e.g. Pizza, Coffee, Bank).

While it is good for finding locations on short or straight path trips, it doesn’t help those of us who follow interstates since it finds the physical halfway point, not the midpoint of a route. My example is that I travel between Morgantown, WV and Kinston, NC. The halfway point for my trip is near Appomatox, VA, and while they offer some great options in the area for my search term of ‘tacos’ these establishments would take me hours out of my way. On the other hand, a search between Morgantown and Clarksburgh, WV for gas, a fairly short and straight trip, gave me good options. Keep in mind that the roads I travel go through mountains and that those of you in flat areas may have better results than I did and that if you break your trip up into shorter segments you may do better.

2 Replies to “MeetWays – Find a place to meet in town”

  1. Sofia

    Meetways does the trick really well, a great way to mash Google maps up. They also have an iPhone app now which im heading over to test right now! thanks for the post!

  2. Lulu

    Just went there and it looks like they fixed their tech because I travel interstates and it worked perfectly. They also seemed to have added an iPhone app which I think I will go and download.

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