Open Courseware roundup

Ed emailed us with a nice roundup of open courseware directories and clearinghouses. We have posted about a couple of them previously, but I thought it would be good to highlight them again along with several new ones that Ed mentioned. For those of you who don’t know, open courseware refers to online material from actual college and university courses. A number of big schools have led the way in placing course materials online, including MIT, UC Berkeley, and Carnegie-Mellon here in the US and the University of Tokyo in Japan.

Open Courseware Directory

Open Courseware Finder

Open Courseware Consortium

MIMA Search engine

The Stingy Scholar – (Wayfaring map interface for university podcasts, etc.)

I am sure there are others out there, and open courseware is a great way to increase your knowledge about topics you’re interested in, so definitely take a look at what’s out there.

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