Call for panel participants – NeoGeo @ SEDAAG

I am trying (belatedly) to put together a panel that looks at the current movements in geospatial technologies during the Southeast Division of the AAG meeting in Greensboro, November 22-25. If you plan to be at SEDAAG and you have experience with, or a strong opinion about, the current trends in geospatial technology contact me by Saturday, August 30. The panel description must be submitted by Monday Sept 1. I would really like to include a couple of students with hands-on experience on the panel if possible as well as professionals and professors.

A list of topics that I would like to touch on in the panel include social networking, webmaps, virtual globes, data interoperability, crowd sourced data, geoprocessing web services, sensor webs, really the gamut of what is considered part of ‘web 2.0’ or ‘geoweb’. My hope is to continue to bring attention to the changes in the way Geographer’s and folks that we wouldn’t have traditionally considered Geographers are approaching spatial technologies.

UPDATE: Yeah, I waited too late to get a good sample for the panel. I will probably try to put something together at a later conference. Maybe the AAG in Las Vegas.

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