Topographic Rugs

According to Apartment Therapy, there is not only one but TWO topographic themed rug collection designers out there right now. They say that Austrian designer Florian Pucher was inspired by the ariel topography of farmland and tulip fields to create his Land Carpet collection. Designer Liz Eeuwes was also inspired by tulip fields and agriculture to create landscape rugs. After the questions, “How comfortable and stable would they be to walk on?” “Would it go with our living room?”, I wondered “How accurate are they?” and “What was their source?” Florian Pucher’s seemed to use satellite imagery as his pattern. Topographic inspiration for rugs isn’t new. In 2004 Downtown Express did an article on designer Rama Chorpash’s “Topo Rug” of Central Park. In 2008, the New York Times did an article on Maude Decor designer Patricia Baun’s mountain topography rugs of Famous Canadian Mountains.

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