Geography Action 2008

Folks, it is getting close! We are mere weeks from the 2008 Geography Awareness Week. Beginning November 16th and continuing through the 22nd it will be time to step up the evangelizing. For those of you who are focused on geospatial technologies don’t forget that GIS Day sits in the middle of week. For details about Geography Awareness Week check out Geography Action 2008 at National Geographic and for GIS Day events in your area. As usual, we will be featuring a series of special content during GAW2008 including an interview with‘s Matt Rosenberg and, if we can get on his schedule, our regular GIS Day guest, Rick Lawson of ESRI.

Also, if you know a store that sells globe costumes send us an email with the details. We are trying to plan our local activities in Morgantown and having someone walk around downtown and on campus in a globe suit plays heavily into the plans 🙂

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