Geotwitter, location based tweets

I have been on Twitter since February. I was definitely a hold out because at first I just didn’t get microblogging, then because I didn’t want to get sucked in, but it was inevitable. As a person who wants to have a location tag on certain information the only thing that I think twitter is really missing [other than uptime :-)] is a way to geotag my tweets. The L: tag is passable, but since it is not a supported tag there really isn’t consistency on how folks use it. GeoTwitter is a new site that allows you to tag location in twitter consistently and gives you access to your message archives based on location in a handy map interface. Beyond the GeoTwitter page you can use the tools on the site to generate GeoRSS of your Twitter feed to push to your favorite GeoRSS capable site or app or you can use the map generator that is available from GeoTwitter to embed a map on your own site. The downsides are that GeoTwitter is of course limited by Twitter’s current service interruptions. My biggest issue is that using a third party app like GeoTwitter or the previously mentioned BrightKite takes me out of my preferred twitter client (currently Twhirl on computer and hahlo on iPod Touch) and means I give up some of my precious 140 characters for the map link. I hope that someone will eventually make an Air app that incorporates location since I hop between Mac and Windows so often, but for web and mobile devices (where location is more important) GeoTwitter offers a great solution to the twitter+location quandary.

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