Caitlin Snaring wins National Geographic Bee

I meant to post this a couple of days ago, but we wanted to give a VerySpatial congratulations to Caitlin Snaring, the winner of the 2007 National Geographic Bee. Caitlin hails from Redmond, Washington, and is only the second girl to win the Bee in its 19-year history. She has won a $25,000 college scholarship and got to meet Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek, who served as the event’s moderator.

Way to go Caitlin!


4 Replies to “Caitlin Snaring wins National Geographic Bee”

  1. Hope Wills

    Caitlin!!! I don’t know you, but could feel the excitement all over your parents face and yours. Truly you are extremely smart. I wish you all the best. This will change your life!!! You did very very well. I almost cried when you won!!! Best Wishes, Hope

  2. Kayla

    wow dude thats pretty sweet congrats on winning the NATIONAL Geography Bee. Me and my friends admire you. Keep up the good work!!!

  3. Kayla

    WOW again i just cant get over the excitement…i dont even know you..haha..well my friend things that he is totally in love with you!!!!!!!Yeah well congrats again and i hope that you keep up your smartness.Bye

  4. Aaron

    I didn’t even know that there was a power sharing government in Ireland. Actually… I didn’t think the leprachauns would ever talk to us again after the whole invasion thing….
    Good job on winning seriously…
    You know where to find a penninsula half-a-kilometer long in South America… I can barely find my socks…

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