Central DNS Servers Mapped

Ever wonder where the central, root, base nodes of the Internet are located? Well here’s a map to help you out! At this scale, there looks like there’s only 7, but if you zoom in you’ll notice that quite a few are very close to one another. The Washington DC area has 5 alone!

It’s also interesting to note that one of the root servers is located in a city named Root. I kinda live for those little funny things 🙂

One Reply to “Central DNS Servers Mapped”

  1. Eric-NL

    I seriously doubt if this is true. Rooth (not Root, pronounced as Rhode)is in a quite rural area. It would be more obvious that the root server is located in near amsterdam and schiphol airport since the first internet connection from NL to the internet was established there.
    I think this is a case of internet humor. I guess that they did not expect that the coordinates would be used in the way they are used now.
    Nice example of how (older) data is used in other ways then anticipated.

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