GITA on workforce readiness grant

Glenn over at GISUser spoke with Bob Samborski, Executive President of GITA, on the DOL funding workforce readiness. Mr Samborski outlined 5 key steps for conducting this study.

“1. Getting a grip on understanding geospatial and defining it
2. Communication and public outreach – this approach will serve to identify what kinds of skills are needed for professionals. A number of partners will be used to help secure feedback and communication.
3. Development of a web-based portal to access curricula information. This will also serve to help explain and communicate to academia what they need to be teaching to better prepare students for careers in geospatial technologies.
4. Use the portal as a live test site. This will involve a live pilot project with a goal of replicating the effort based on the outcome.
5. Making the project results sustainable.”

For more information head over and read the full article at

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